prečo nevyzerám ako?...Why I don´t look like?...


     asi každý sa ocitol v situácii kedy si kládol túto otázku. Raz sa nám nepáčia naše vlasy, inokedy zasa tvár, alebo postava. Môžeme to zmeniť ? Ak áno tak ako ?
Milujem jeden citát od COCO CHANEL : „Girl should be two things : CLASSY and FABULOUS!"

Práve tento citát ma motivoval aby som sa zmenila. Začala som inak uvažovať, inak chápať a vnímať veci a ľudí okolo mňa. Samozrejme zmena prišla aj v mojom výzore. Už som nebola to malé ustráchané škaredé káčatko sediace v rohu, ale pomaly som sa začala meniť na dospelú labuť. A ešte stále na tom pracujem! :)

Preto na mojom Blogu nájdete množstvo Beauty inšpirácií, návody na cvičenie , či zdravú stravu.

Dúfam, že sa Vám bude páčiť, vaša Alžbeta!

Hello Friends!

      I want to welcome all of you to my beauty blog. It is founded on a belief that every person possesses inner beauty but might be beautiful on the outside as well – with little help.

      Very often I’ve found myself in a situation where I was not satisfied with my face and other times my hair. I even started to feel uncomfortable inside my own body. All these feelings of discontent with my former self led to one obvious question: “HOW CAN I CHANGE THIS?”
      The first inspiration that revolutionized my thinking in this direction was the famous quote by Coco Chanel: “Girl should be two things: CLASSY and FABULOUS!”  This simple sentence motivated me to make a big change in my lifestyle. The encouragement to change my body helped me to discover a different and unique perception of the world.

      Therefore, I am not the “ugly duckling” anymore! I am on my way to becoming a strong and “beautiful swan”!

       This way I want to inspire you to grow into the person you’ve always dreamt of every night before you go to sleep. So join me on this journey of becoming STRONG and BEAUTIFUL!
       This blog will present you with beauty inspirations, simple and effective exercises and healthy food choices.

Your Elizabeth


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